Size Chart & Item Care

Size Chart 








JUNIOR T-Shirts 


Hey, we know you love your religious-themed apparel, and we want to make sure you can enjoy them for as long as possible. So, here are some washing instructions to keep your garments looking fresh and fabulous:

Handle with Care: Treat your "PSALMS34" Tee or "RESTORATION" Hoodie with the love and respect they deserve. These garments are not just clothes; they're expressions of your faith and style!

No Tumble Drying: We know it's tempting to throw your clothes in the dryer and be done with it, but to preserve the print and prevent any mishaps, avoid tumble drying. Air drying is the way to go!

Wash at Low Temperature: Make sure to use cold or lukewarm water. High temperatures can be harsh on the print and might ruin its vibrant colours.

Wash Inside Out: Before tossing your garments into the washing machine, turn them inside out. This simple trick helps protect the print from rubbing against other fabrics and keeps it looking sharp.

Mild Detergent: Stick to mild detergents that are gentle on fabrics. Harsh chemicals can be tough on your PSALMS34Clothing, and we want them to stay as soft and comfortable as possible.

Separate Colors: To avoid any color mishaps, separate your PSALMS34Clothing from other garments during the wash. You don't want any unexpected tie-dye surprises!

Skip the Bleach: Bleach and religious-themed apparel don't mix well. So, please, keep the bleach far away from your PSALMS34Clothing. Let's keep the colours pure and vibrant, just like your faith!

Iron with Caution: If you need to iron your PSALMS34Clothing, do it with care. Turn the garment inside out and use a low heat setting. And remember, a little wrinkle adds character!

Spread the Word: Share these washing instructions with your fellow PSALMS34Clothing enthusiasts. Let's keep our clothing looking clean for Christ as we spread the Good News!

Remember, if you have any questions or concerns about washing your PSALMS34Clothing, don't hesitate to reach out to us at We're here to help you keep your faith fresh!